To lookup the status of your order, please click here!
If you have an account, you can log in and view order status and tracking on the ‘Dashboard’ page, under recent orders.
It typically takes 1-3 business days for an order to ship. If you need further
assistance, please click here to email us.
Depending on the status of your order, we may not be able to cancel it.
In order to best assist with your request, we recommend reaching out to us – please click here to email us.
If we are unable to cancel your order, we can always walk you through our easy returns process.
Orders can be exchanged online 30 days of delivery.
Please review the Return Policy.
We will gladly accept unused merchandise in sellable condition for a full refund within 30 days of purchase.
We do not accept returns from 3rd party retailers at this time.
To see full policy, including details on returns online, click here.
Once your order has been completed, the order goes almost immediately to processing and then it’s sent to the warehouse to ship.
To get your order to you as fast as possible, no changes can be made at this
Please place a new order on the website for the additional items.
Once your order has been submitted successfully, the order goes almost immediately to processing and then it’s sent to the warehouse to ship.
To get your order to you as fast as possible, no changes can be made at this stage. Please contact us immediately to cancel the order – please click here to email us.
Otherwise, you can return or exchange your item once it arrives. Please review the Return Policy.
You may change your shipping address after you place an order by contacting customer service below -please click here to email us.
Typically, you can only do this the same day an order was placed because items are shipping as fast as possible.
If an item has already been processed for shipping, you may not be able to change the address.
All address corrections are subject to review and can be declined following a security screening.
The partner shipping company provides shipping estimates. Delivery delay may cause some circumstances reasons.
for more details click shipping policy.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
To learn more about our ‘etnou club’ subscription, click here.
Not yet!
We ship only within USA and Georgia (country).
For applicable states, taxes will be automatically calculated and displayed during the checkout.
We recommend using a carrier that will provide you a returns tracking #.
Upon checking the receipt date of the package, please allow 2-4 business days for processing of the return.
Or Banking transfer for details please contact
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